The Obas of Benin: A Brief History of the Rulers of A West African State for Eight Centuries

In the following article, Collins Edigin, a historian at the University of Benin in Benin City, Nigeria, describes the rule of the Obas of Benin, a continuous dynasty of the West African state of Benin (now in present-day Nigeria) that began in the 13th Century … Read MoreThe Obas of Benin: A Brief History of the Rulers of A West African State for Eight Centuries

Santo Domingo de Guzman, The Dominican Republic (1496- )

Santo Domingo de Guzman, the capital of the Dominican Republic and the cultural, financial, and industrial center of the nation, was founded in 1496 by Bartholomew Columbus, the younger brother of Christopher Columbus.  Situated on the southeastern coast of the island of Hispaniola (which The … Read MoreSanto Domingo de Guzman, The Dominican Republic (1496- )

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (15th century- )

Ouagadougou is the capital and largest city of Burkina Faso. The Mossi people settled Ouagadougou in the fifteenth century. During this period, the Mossi expanded their territorial reach through the region south of the Niger River. By the sixteenth century Ouagadougou was the most powerful … Read MoreOuagadougou, Burkina Faso (15th century- )

St. Maurice (ca. 250-ca. 287)

St. Maurice is commemorated throughout churches in modern Germany as a black African dressed as a Roman Solider.  That depiction originated with the renowned statue in the Cathedral of St. Catherine and St. Maurice in Magdeburg, Germany.  However, according to some historical authorities, he was … Read MoreSt. Maurice (ca. 250-ca. 287)