Listed below are African American and General genealogy websites that may be useful for those seeking to research personal or family history.
African American Genealogy Resources:
- African-American Genealogy: 80 Top Resources for Finding Your African American Ancestor
- African American Family History Resources
- African Ancestry
- African Heritage
- AfriGeneas Genealogy and History Forum
- African American Genealogy: An Online Interactive Guide for Beginners
- Afriquest
- Family Search: African American Online Genealogy Records
- Finding Records of Your African American Ancestors, 1870 to the Present
- National Archives and Records Administration: African-American Research
- Nomini Hall Slave Legacy Project
- Northwest African American Museum Genealogy Center
- Our Black
- Reclaiming Kin: Taking Back What Was Once Lost
- The Digital Library on American Slavery
General Genealogy Resources:
- Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
- The DNA Ancestry Project
- FamilySearch
- Freedmen’s Bureau Files
- Hannibal Square Project
- National Geographic Genographic Project
- Social Security Death Index
- The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Genealogy
- USGenWeb Project, The
- World Connect Project
How to Research and Preserve Your Family’s History
Individual Family Histories: