(1923) Bishop Randall Albert Carter, “Whence and Whither“

By the standards of African American history, Bishop Randall Albert Carter is a little known figure. Born in Fort Valley, Georgia on January 1, 1867, he was educated at Allen University in Columbia, South Carolina and Paine College in Augusta, Georgia. An active pastor in … Read More(1923) Bishop Randall Albert Carter, “Whence and Whither“

(1895) Booker T. Washington, “The Atlanta Compromise Speech”

On September 18, 1895 Booker T. Washington gave an address to the Atlanta Cotton States and International Exposition which became known as the “Atlanta Compromise Speech.” The address appears below. Mr. President, Gentlemen of the Board of Directors, and Citizens: One-third of the population of … Read More(1895) Booker T. Washington, “The Atlanta Compromise Speech”

(1868) Rev. Henry McNeal Turner, “I Claim the Rights of a Man”

African Methodist Episcopal minister and later Bishop Henry McNeal Turner emerged immediately after the Civil War as one of the most ardent defenders of African Ameriacn rights. Turner was also among the first group of Reconstruction-era African American elected officials. In July 1868, Turner was … Read More(1868) Rev. Henry McNeal Turner, “I Claim the Rights of a Man”

William Levi Dawson [Politician] (1886-1970)

William Levi Dawson was a well-known Chicago, Illinois lawyer who became one of the city’s most influential politicians.  His career paralleled the rising significance of African Americans in the Democratic Party.  Dawson was born in Albany, Georgia on April 26, 1886.  Little is known of … Read MoreWilliam Levi Dawson [Politician] (1886-1970)

Maynard H. Jackson Jr. (1938-2003)

The great-grandson of slaves, Maynard Holbrook Jackson, Jr. was born in Dallas, Texas, on March 23, 1938.  His father, Maynard Holbrook Jackson, Sr., was a leading figure in the 1930s campaign for black voting rights in Dallas and a founder of Democratic Progressive Voter’s League … Read MoreMaynard H. Jackson Jr. (1938-2003)