Charles A. “Chuck” Harrison (1931–2018)

Charles Harrison was one of the most prolific industrial designers buy cialis-super-active online buy cialis-super-active online no prescription of the twentieth century. One of only a handful of early African American industrial designers, he specialized in creating a variety of practical household goods emphasizing form … Read MoreCharles A. “Chuck” Harrison (1931–2018)

Frederick McDonald Massiah (1886–1975)

“Image Ownership: Public Domain” Frederick McDonald Massiah was one of the first African Americans to receive a civil engineering degree from Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was also one of the first successful African American contracting engineers in the country. Massiah was born in … Read MoreFrederick McDonald Massiah (1886–1975)

National Society of Black Engineers (1975- )

Established in 1975 at a national conference held at Purdue University, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) was created to increase the number of African American engineers. Their mission is to train black engineers who “excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.” … Read MoreNational Society of Black Engineers (1975- )