Welcome to Blackpast

Welcome to BlackPast

BlackPast is dedicated to providing reliable information on the history of Black people across the globe, and especially in North America. Our goal is to promote greater understanding of our common human experience through knowledge of the diversity of the Black experience and the ubiquity of the global Black presence. 

Major African American Office Holders Since 1641

This month BlackPast.org salutes the hundreds of African American women and men who have held elective office. The first was Mathias de Sousa who was elected to the Maryland Colonial Assembly in 1641, one hundred and thirty-five years before the United States declared its independence from Great Britain. You see below six Black officials randomly selected. Each week we will feature six more until the end of October. Click anywhere on the photo and you will be taken to the profile of each elected official. To see all of the major African American Office Holders at the Federal, State, and Municipal level, click here:


Edward Lee “Too Tall” Jones (1951- )

George Tynes (1908-1982)

Lorraine Graves (1957-2024)

In Defense of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)