25th Dynasty, Ancient Egypt (ca. 746 BC to 653 BC)

The 25th Dynasty refers to the kings of Kush (which included Nubia) who ruled all or part of Egypt from around 746 to 653 BC. This period parallels the Egyptian Third Intermediate Period (1070-653 BC). The Kushite kings of this period considered themselves the bodily … Read MoreRead More25th Dynasty, Ancient Egypt (ca. 746 BC to 653 BC)

Cairo, Egypt (founded ca. 969 C.E.)

Cairo, the current capital of Egypt and the largest city in the Middle East and Africa, has been a major cultural, religious and political center of the Arab, Islamic and African worlds for centuries. The year 2011 saw unprecedented civil and political upheaval in the … Read MoreRead MoreCairo, Egypt (founded ca. 969 C.E.)

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
(1954- )

Abdel Fattah Saeed Hassan Khalil al-Sisi, the current president of Egypt, was born on November 19, 1954, in Cairo, Egypt. His father, Said “Hassan” al-Sisi was a bazaar shop owner, and his mother, Soad Mohamed, was a housewife. Sisi attended the oldest and most prominent … Read MoreRead MoreAbdel Fattah al-Sisi
(1954- )

Greece and Egypt: How a Single Coin Reflects an Ancient and Enduring Relationship

In the following article Mediterranean Antiquities historians Carol Thomas and David Coblentz, use an African-headed Greek coin to explore the little known yet often controversially debated historical relationship between Ancient Greece and Egypt and by extension, the larger connections between Africa and Europe.  Their article … Read MoreRead MoreGreece and Egypt: How a Single Coin Reflects an Ancient and Enduring Relationship

(2009) Barack Obama, “A New Beginning Between the United States and the Muslim World”

On June 4, 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a major speech addressing the relationship between the United States and the Muslim World at Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt. The text of the speech appears below. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. I am honored … Read MoreRead More(2009) Barack Obama, “A New Beginning Between the United States and the Muslim World”

Ophelia Settle Egypt (1903-1984)

In the late 1920s, Ophelia Settle Egypt conducted some of the first and finest interviews with former slaves, setting the stage for the Works Progress Administration’s (WPA) massive project ten years later. Born Ophelia Settle in 1903, she was a graduate of the University of … Read MoreRead MoreOphelia Settle Egypt (1903-1984)

St. Maurice (ca. 250-ca. 287)

St. Maurice is commemorated throughout churches in modern Germany as a black African dressed as a Roman Solider.  That depiction originated with the renowned statue in the Cathedral of St. Catherine and St. Maurice in Magdeburg, Germany.  However, according to some historical authorities, he was … Read MoreRead MoreSt. Maurice (ca. 250-ca. 287)