Khadija McNair is a Durham, North Carolina native. She obtained her BA (2017) and MA (2020) in History from North Carolina Central University. Her MA thesis, Reinterpreting The Foundation Of Lincoln Hospital: Race, Power, Philanthropy, And Public History In Durham, North Carolina, focuses on the philanthropy of the Duke family in Durham’s Black communities, particularly the establishment of Lincoln Hospital. Khadija is the Assistant Site Manager at Stagville State Historic Site. Before coming to Stagville, Khadija was an historic interpreter at Duke Homestead State Historic Site and interpreted for a short time at Charlotte Hawkins Brown State Historic Site. Khadija has worked on multiple public history projects including the Orange County NC Slave Deed database and the Tobacco and African American History Panel Series at Duke Homestead State Historic Site. Her continued research centers public memory and Durham’s African American history. Khadija is passionate about sharing the stories of those often overlooked who contributed immensely to her hometown.
Stanford Lee Warren (1863-1940)
Dr. Stanford Lee Warren, a co-founder of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Mechanics and Farmers Bank in Durham, North Carolina, was born in Caswell County, North Carolina in 1863. His mother was Anne Warren, and his father was reputed to be tobacco … Read MoreStanford Lee Warren (1863-1940)