Julius Maada Wonie Bio
(1964- )

His Excellency, Julius Maada Wonie Bio, the current president of Sierra Leone, was born on May 12, 1964, in Tihun, Bonthe District, Sierra Leone. Julius’ father was Charlie Bio II, a Sherbro Paramount Chief of Sogbini Chiefdom, who had nine wives. Julius’ biological mother’s name … Read MoreJulius Maada Wonie Bio
(1964- )

Milton Augustus Margai (1895-1964)

Milton Augustus Margai was the first prime minister of independent Sierra Leone. Margai was born on December 7, 1895, in Gbangbatoka, Sierra Leone, the eldest of 18 children. His father, M.E.S. Margai was a prominent businessman. Young Milton was the grandson of a famous Mende … Read MoreMilton Augustus Margai (1895-1964)