Hillel Cooperman is currently continuing a twenty-five-plus year career as a thought leader and executor in the technology industry. Hillel spent almost a decade at Microsoft rising to be the Product Unit Manager for the Windows User Experience team, responsible for the user interface of Windows used by hundreds of millions of people across the planet. Since 2006, Hillel has been the co-founder of boutique design consultancy, Jackson Fish Market (www.jacksonfish.com) helping clients large and small find clarity, voice, and distinctiveness in the digital expressions of their ambitions. In his spare time, Hillel writes novels – specifically the Madrona Heroes series (www.madronaheroes.com) chronicling the story of three Seattle neighborhood children and their friends who acquire superpowers. While primarily children’s literature, the books explore themes of the relationship between the Jewish and African-American communities in the city of Seattle throughout the twentieth century and beyond.
Hillel Cooperman
Seattle, Washington
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BlackPast, B. (2015, May 11). Hillel Cooperman
Seattle, Washington. BlackPast.org. https://www.blackpast.org/staff_board/cooperman-hillel/
Seattle, Washington. BlackPast.org. https://www.blackpast.org/staff_board/cooperman-hillel/