The following are video presentations of lectures I have given as the Scott and Dorothy Bullitt Professor of American history from 2006 to the present.
The African American West Lecture Series, University of Washington 2006:
Lecture 1: Antebellum Slavery and Freedom, 1528-1865, The Paradox of Race and Liberty in the West
Lecture 2: To the Frontier, 1866-1900, Homesteaders, Cowboys and Buffalo Soldiers Seek Freedom in the West
Lecture 3: The Urban Frontier, 1875-1940, African Americans in the Cities of the West
Lecture 4: The World War II Era, 1941-1950, Migration and Transformation
Lecture 5: Into the 21st Century, The Black West in the Modern Era
Other Presentations Including the South By Northwest Television Series, 1975-1981:
"The Peopling of Seattle: Race, Immigration, and Migration"
This lecture was given on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 as the second presentation in the “Excavating Seattle’s Histories: Peoples, Politics, and Place” Lecture Series Sponsored by the Department of History and the University of Washington Alumni Association.
"The Meaning of African American History and Black History Month"
Presentation at the Breakfast Group Meeting, First African Methodist Episcopal Church, Seattle, Washington, February 14, 2013
C-Span Twentieth-Century Urban West
"Facing the Urban Frontier: African Americans History in the Reshaping of the Twentieth Century American West
Presidential Address, Western History Association Meeting, Oakland, California, October 15, 2011
South by Northwest
South by Northwest was a series of public television documentaries (docudramas) on African American history in the Pacific Northwest that were produced by KWSU-TV, Washington State University, between 1975 and 1981.