James A. Sullivan, a graduate of Holy Cross College with a B.A. in Philosophy, and Holy Apostles College, with an M.A. in Theology, taught in secondary school and college from 1973 to 1987 at Cathedral High School and Springfield Technical Community College both in Springfield, Massachusetts. From 1988 to 1994 he was Vice President and Editor of Publications, Catholics United for the Faith, Inc., in New Rochelle, New York. From 2000 to 2015 he worked for Municipal Art Society, New York City giving walking tours of Toussaint’s New York. He has written on Pierre Toussaint and has given innumerable talks and interviews on television and radio about Pierre Toussaint, including St. John Fisher Seminary and New York Historical Society. As an urban historian, he assisted Msgr. Michael A. Wrenn, member of the Archdiocesan team, when the Positio was prepared on Toussaint’s life and virtues and forwarded to Rome for the canonization process. More recently, he authored a 4-part article “Pierre Toussaint’s New York” for the blogspot Tea at Trianon.
San Juan Hill, New York City (ca. 1895-1940)
African Americans began a migration up the island of Manhattan in the early 1800s. Starting in Five Points, which is now New York City’s Chinatown, they moved in succession to Washington Street on the Lower West Side, then the Tenderloin in the West 20s and … Read MoreSan Juan Hill, New York City (ca. 1895-1940)