Victor Henry Jr. is a senior attending Berea College in Kentucky and will be graduating in May 2009 with a B.A degree in theater with a concentration in acting. He is originally from the coastal area of Savannah, Georgia. Victor discovered Berea through the Woodson Institute, a college summer program. Berea has exposed Victor to interracial education. He serves the Berea Community as a Bonner Scholar, and theater box office assistance. He has also worked a great deal with local youth as a teacher aid and mentor. After graduation he plans to attend graduate school and pursue an acting career.
Eldridge Cleaver (1935-1998)
Eldridge Cleaver, author and civil rights activist, was born on August 31, 1935 in Wabbaseka, Arkansas. Cleaver, a child of six, lived in a household where his father abused his mother. The Cleavers moved to Phoenix, Arizona and finally settled in Los Angeles, California where … Read MoreEldridge Cleaver (1935-1998)