Lewis Henry Douglass (1840-1908)

Lewis Henry Douglass was an Army veteran, journalist, printer, and community activist who fought against racial inequality in America. A native of New Bedford, Massachusetts, Douglass was born on October 9, 1840, and was the eldest son of Frederick Douglass and Anna R. Murray-Douglass. He … Read MoreLewis Henry Douglass (1840-1908)

Hobart Sidney Jarrett (1915-2005)

Dr. Hobart Sidney Jarrett (1915-2005) was a respected scholar, educator, and leader in Black community organizations. His contributions to African American literature, civil rights advocacy, and Black fraternity history underscore his legacy as a dedicated advocate for education and social progress. Hobart Jarrett was born … Read MoreHobart Sidney Jarrett (1915-2005)