Alyce Chenault Gullattee (1928-2020)

Alyce Chenault Gullattee, M.D., was a prominent Howard University Hospital psychiatrist, civil rights activist, member of Union Temple Baptist Church, and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority member, long known to her students and patients as Mimi or Dr. G. She was also an expert on substance … Read MoreAlyce Chenault Gullattee (1928-2020)

Juan Beltrán de Magaña (1537-1578)

Juan Beltrán de Magaña was a black conquistador of Chile. He was born in Guadalajara, Spain in 1537 to Francisco Gonzalez Mencia and Estacio de la Peña. He married Mariana Aguirre and had a legitimate son named Martin de Briones. In addition, he had an illegitimate son of … Read MoreJuan Beltrán de Magaña (1537-1578)

Margaret Cornelia Morgan Lawrence (1914-2019)

Margaret Lawrence, the first African American psychoanalyst and the first pediatric psychiatrist in the United States, is the author of Young Inner City Families: Development of Ego Strength under Stress (New York, Behavioral Publications, 1975) and The Mental Health Team in the Schools (New York: Behavioral … Read MoreMargaret Cornelia Morgan Lawrence (1914-2019)