Louise Thompson Patterson (1901-1999)

Louise Alone Thompson Patterson, civil rights activist, communist, and educator, was born in Chicago, Illinois on September 9, 1901 to Lulu (Louise) F. Brown Toles and William J. Toles. After her parents 1904 separation, Thompson lived in Seattle, Washington as well as Utah, Nevada, Idaho, … Read MoreLouise Thompson Patterson (1901-1999)

Williana “Liana” Burroughs (1882-1945)

Williana “Liana” Jones Burroughs was an American teacher, radical political activist, and the first African American woman to run for elective office in New York. Burroughs was born on January 2, 1882, in Petersburg, Virginia. Her father died in 1886 when Williana was just four … Read MoreWilliana “Liana” Burroughs (1882-1945)

African American Anti-Fascists in the Spanish Civil War

Approximately 90 African Americans fought in Spain during the civil war that engulfed that nation between 1936 and 1939. The war became a proxy war for the European great powers as the Soviet Union supported the newly established Second Spanish Republic while Nazi Germany and … Read MoreAfrican American Anti-Fascists in the Spanish Civil War

John Preston Davis (1905-1973)

John Preston Davis was a prominent African American author, journalist, lawyer, civil rights leader, and co-founder of the National Negro Congress (1935-1946), an organization that was dedicated to the advancement of African Americans all over the country during the Great Depression. Davis was born on January 19th, 1905, in Washington D.C. He graduated … Read MoreJohn Preston Davis (1905-1973)

Lovett Fort-Whiteman (1889-1939)

Lovett Huey Fort-Whiteman was an American political and civil rights activist and member of the Communist International. He is regarded as the first American-born Black Communist and the first African American to attend a Comintern training school in the Soviet Union. Fort-Whiteman organized the Communist Party-affiliated American Negro Labor Congress and … Read MoreLovett Fort-Whiteman (1889-1939)

Jean Baptiste Roumain (Jacques) / Roumain, Jacques (1907-1944)

Jacques Roumain (Born Jean-Baptiste Roumain) was a Haitian author, poet online pharmacy buy buspar no prescription pharmacy , novelist, essayist, political activist, and diplomat born on June 4, 1907. He was one of the more famous twentieth century Haitian intellectuals. Jacques Roumain was born in … Read MoreJean Baptiste Roumain (Jacques) / Roumain, Jacques (1907-1944)