Fulbert Youlou (1917-1972)

Fulbert Youlou was the first President of the Republic of Congo, also known as Congo Brazzaville. Youlou was born on July 9, 1917, at Mandibu, a town near Brazzaville, capital of the French Congo which was part of French Equatorial Africa. As a young boy, … Read MoreFulbert Youlou (1917-1972)

José Mauricio Nunes Garcia (1767-1830)

José Mauricio Nunes Garcia (1767-1830) was an Afro-Brazilian composer and organist who was the grandson of slaves. Over 240 works of music by Garcia have survived. Garcia’s mother was Vitória Maria da Cruz and his father was Apolinário Nunes Garcia, a tailor. Garcia was born … Read MoreJosé Mauricio Nunes Garcia (1767-1830)