Malcolm CasSelle (1970-2020)

Entrepreneur and tech aficionado, Malcolm CasSelle, was one of the early pioneers in blockchain technology and Bitcoin development. Born March 22, 1970 on a farm near Allentown, Pennsylvania, CasSelle was the descendant of entrepreneurs including his grandfather who was a successful funeral home operator in … Read MoreMalcolm CasSelle (1970-2020)

Clara Belle Drisdale Williams (1885-1994)

Clara Belle Drisdale, the first African American to graduate from New Mexico State University, was born to sharecroppers Isaac and Carrie Melinda Moppins Drisdale in LaGrange, Texas on October 29, 1885. She was first educated in a one room country school house near LaGrange but … Read MoreClara Belle Drisdale Williams (1885-1994)

Irene Morgan Kirkaldy (1917-2007)

Irene Amos Morgan Kirkaldy was a civil rights activist who won her 1946 U.S. Supreme Court case in Irene Morgan v. Commonwealth of Virginia, which declared interstate transport racial segregation to be unconstitutional, nearly a decade before the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Irene Amos was born … Read MoreIrene Morgan Kirkaldy (1917-2007)