The Dells/ The Mighty Dells (1952-1998)

The Dells are an R&B vocal group that was formed in 1952 in Harvey, Illinois. The group included Marvin Junior, Verne Allison, Johnny Funches, Chuck Barksdale, and Mickey and Lucius McGill. When the group formed, the members were all in high school and were called the El-Rays. They produced … Read MoreThe Dells/ The Mighty Dells (1952-1998)

Aquil Abdullah (1973- )

Born Aquilibn Michael X. Shumate in Washington, D.C. on June 20, 1973, Aquil Abdullah would transcend racial barriers in sports and challenge religious and political bigotry. When he was six years old, his father converted to Islam and changed the family’s last name to Abdullah.  Abdullah attended Woodrow Wilson High … Read MoreAquil Abdullah (1973- )