Student Historian

Joseph Mouser is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in plant biology at the University of Washington, Seattle. He was born in Spokane, Washington in 1996, where he resided until 2014 after graduating from Lewis and Clark High School. A proud lifelong Washingtonian, Joseph enjoys spending his free time in the outdoors, hiking, fishing and skiing depending on the season. He one day hopes to obtain a Master’s degree in Education in order to teach biology at the high school level and inspire the next generation of scientists.

The Booker T. Washington Community Center, Spokane, Washington (1937-1948)

The Booker T. Washington Community Center was founded on February 1, 1937, to provide a place for people to socialize and recreate free from the racial prejudices and judgments that plagued Spokane, Washington at the time. The Center was founded by Rosa D. Malone, a … Read MoreThe Booker T. Washington Community Center, Spokane, Washington (1937-1948)

The United States Colored Troops (1863-1865)

The United States Colored Troops (USCT) was the designation given to the approximately 175 regiments of non-white soldiers that served during the Civil War. The troops were primarily African American, but Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders were all included within the ranks, as … Read MoreThe United States Colored Troops (1863-1865)

Booker T. Washington’s Visit to Spokane (1913)

In 1913 the famous African American activist and educator Booker T. Washington left Tuskegee, Alabama, to begin a speaking tour around the United States. The ultimate goal of this tour was to raise funds for the Tuskegee Institute in order to educate more young African … Read MoreBooker T. Washington’s Visit to Spokane (1913)