Academic Historian

Jeff Crawford, M.A. is a history instructor at Butte College, in Oroville California, specializing in African American and Middle Eastern studies.  He completed his master's thesis titled “The African American Mill Workers of the Quincy Lumber Company, 1926-1955,” At Chico State University in 2006.  Jeff Is involved in a budding non-profit organization in Oroville dedicated to documenting the history of another southern lumber company that also recruited black mill workers from the South.


Working the Quincy Mill: African American Lumber Mill Workers in Northern California, 1926-1955

Economic opportunity motivated millions of early 20th Century African Americans to leave the segregated South.  Most of the people of the Great Migration found better jobs and better pay in northern factories in World War I and western defense industries in World War II.  However, … Read MoreWorking the Quincy Mill: African American Lumber Mill Workers in Northern California, 1926-1955