Student Historian

Christina M. Hudson is a Ph.D. student in Africology and African American Studies at Temple University. She is interested in decolonizing religious studies with a focus on ancient African religious texts, with the intention of shifting the way we view the contributions of African and African Diaspora peoples to the development of world civilization throughout history. After graduation Christina plans to pursue a postdoc and further expand her research.

Genevieve Scott Neal-Perry (1955- )

Genevieve Scott Neal-Perry is the Robert A. Ross Distinguished Professor, chair of obstetrics and gynecology, and reproductive endocrinologist at the University of North Carolina who specializes in menopausal medicine, polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis management, and fertility care. Born in 1966 in Newark, New Jersey, … Read MoreGenevieve Scott Neal-Perry (1955- )