We the undersigned, females of color, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, being duly convinced of the importance of union and morality, have associated ourselves together for our natural improvement, and to promote the welfare of our color, as far as is consistent with the means of this Society; therefore we adopt the following resolutions.
Resolved, that as we believe the Boston Liberator to be the means of enlightening the minds of many, in regard to the ungenerous scheme of African colonization, and also removing the monster prejudice from the minds of many, in regard to the free people of color, by representing things in their true light, we are determined to support it and all anti-slavery publications.
Resolved, that this Society be supported by voluntary contributions, a part to be appropriated for the purchasing of books, etc.: the other to be reserved until a significant sum be accumulated, which shall then be deposited in a bank for the relief of the needy
Resolved, that the meetings of this society shall commence with prayer and singing. Any member who wishes to speak is allowed the privilege: when any member speaks, there shall be no interruption.
Resolved, that this Society shall be governed by a President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian who are hereafter to be instructed in the duties of their offices.
Resolved that persons not conforming to the rules of the Society shall be expelled, by receiving a note or card bearing the names of the President and Vice President, and signed by the Corresponding Secretary.
Mary A. Battys, President
E. A. Drew, Vice President
Charlotte Bell, Corresponding Secretary
Hannah B. Fowler, Recording Secretary
Eleanor C. Harvey, Treasurer
Dorothy C. Battys, Librarian